Thursday, June 26, 2008

Define mesothelioma:

Mesothelioma exposure:Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer in which malignant (cancerous) cells are found in the mesothelium, a protective sac that covers most of the body's internal organs. Most people who develop mesothelioma have worked on jobs where they inhaled asbestos particles.A person undergoing mesothelioma treatments cannot recover fully.Nowadays there are many mesothelioma center all over the world.

Mesothelioma asbestos exposure:

Working with asbestos is the major risk factor for Mesothelioma cause. A history of asbestos exposure at work is reported in about 70 percent to 80 percent of all Mesothelioma cause. However, Mesothelioma cause has been reported in some individuals without any known exposure to asbestos.

Mesothelioma and asbestos are not the same they are different. Asbestos is the name of a group of minerals that occur naturally as masses of strong, flexible fibers that can be separated into thin threads and woven. Asbestos has been widely used in many industrial products, including cement, brake linings, roof shingles, flooring products, textiles, and insulation. If tiny asbestos particles float in the air, especially during the manufacturing process, they may be inhaled or swallowed, and can cause serious health problems. In addition to mesothelioma, exposure to asbestos increases the risk of lung cancer, asbestosis (a noncancerous, chronic lung ailment), and other cancers, such as those of the larynx and kidney.

Mesothelioma cancer as a byproduct of asbestos in the workplace has caused many lawsuits affecting companies who have asbestos products in the workplace environment.Here we hep for Mesothelioma asbestos exposure.

Mesothelioma Facts:

Although asbestos is a widely proliferated material, few people understand the devastating effects this mineral can cause. It is doubtful anyone would have used it in so many applications had they only known the truth. A few staggering facts about mesothelioma include:

Malignant Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer, generally caused by exposure to asbestos.

* 2,500 new cases of mesothelioma are reported each year.

* 70% to 80% who develop mesothelioma have worked on jobs where they inhaled asbestos particles.

* Metastatic mesothelioma does not appear until 20 to 40 years after asbestos exposure.

* More men than in women (3 to 1) have mesothelioma.

* Risk for mesothelioma increases with age (median age is 73).

* This disease can appear in either men or women at any age.

1. Historical facts about asbestos and mesothelioma:

* Asbestos has been used since ancient times. Greeks and Romans wove the fibers into tablecloths, napkins, and clothes, and threw them into fires to clean them. They also noted the slaves forced to deal with this material lived shorter lives and usually died of breathing or respiratory problems.

* Asbestos was used extensively in the late 19th and early 20th centuries as modern industry drove the economies of Western Europe and the United States.

* During the Second World War, hundreds of thousands of military personnel were exposed to asbestos on a large scale. Many of these servicepeople are now beginning to demonstrate symptoms of asbestos-related diseases.

* Many asbestos companies knew the dangers of their products, but chose to ignore or downplay the role asbestos played in many illnesses.

* The first reported death caused by asbestos exposure was documented in medical journals in 1924.

2. Modern facts about asbestos and mesothelioma:

* Over 10,000 people worldwide are diagnosed with mesothelioma or other asbestos-related conditions each year, 3,000 in the US alone.

* It is estimated that over 110,000 schools in the United States still contain some form of asbestos.

* Even though cigarette smoking does not cause mesothelioma, victims exposed asbestos who smoke suffer a 50-90% increase in the likelihood of developing lung cancers.

* Asbestos has been banned or regulated in many industrialized countries around the world.

* Post-diagnosis survival of mesothelioma is measured in months, because by the time the cancer is detected it is too advanced for treatment.

* Because of the long dormancy of mesothelioma, experts speculate that there will be an increase of cases for the next 20 to 30 years.

3. Legal facts about asbestos and mesothelioma:

* The first lawsuit regarding asbestos injury was filled in 1966 in Texas against Johns-Manville, Fibreboard, Owens Corning Fibreglas and several other manufacturers.

* Metastatic mesothelioma cases settle on average between $750,000 and $8 million.

* More than half a million asbestos cases have been filed, with 50,000 in 1998 alone.

* Up to 8 million people in the United States have been exposed to dangerous levels of asbestos. Asbestos still continues to pose a threat to workers in certain occupations.

* New legislation before the Senate of the United States called the Hatch Bill could potentially limit the amount of compensation victims of asbestos-related diseases could receive.

Main types of mesothelioma:

Types of Mesothelioma include pleural mesothelioma, peritoneal mesothelioma and pericardial mesothelioma.

1.Pleural Mesothelioma:

Pleural mesothelioma is the most common type of malignant mesothelioma (accounting for an approximate 75% of all documented cases of the disease) and affects the section of the mesothelium called the pleura. Although the most common type of malignant mesothelioma, the disease is still somewhat of a rarity. As a result, pleural mesothelioma is often confused with other types of diseases, such as lung cancer and viral pneumonia. Lung cancer can be caused by asbestos (asbestos lung cancer), though it differs from pleural mesothelioma in that it is a malignancy of the lung tissue itself, as opposed to pleural mesothelioma which is a malignancy of the tissue casing of the lungs. Viral pneumonia shares certain symptomatic similarities with pleural mesothelioma and is often misdiagnosed as such.

The most common presenting symptom of pleural malignant mesothelioma is chronic chest pain. A buildup of fluid inside the pleural space can cause severe and chronic chest pains; this is called pleural effusion. Steps can be taken to drain the fluid and relieve the pain (with the possibility of recurrence) or surgery can be performed to close the pleural space (with virtually no possibility of recurrence). Some of the other notable symptoms associated with pleural mesothelioma include:

* Shortness of breath

* Chronic coughing

* Weight loss

* Fever

2.Peritoneal Mesothelioma:

Malignant mesothelioma peritoneal is the second most common type of malignant mesothelioma (accounting for an approximate 10% to 20% of all documented cases of the disease) and affects the section of the mesothelium called the peritoneum (the mesothelial lining of the abdomen). Malignant peritoneal mesothelioma is most often caused by the ingestion of carcinogenic asbestos fibers. Inhaled asbestos fibers can become lodged in mucous lining the mouth and esophagus. Once swallowed, it travels through the digestive system where it can potentially become lodged and develop into a tumor.

Some of the notable symptoms that are associated with peritoneal mesothelioma include:

* Swelling

* Abdominal pain (resulting from fluid buildup in peritoneal space)

* Weight loss

* Abdominal mass

* Lowered red blood cell count (anemia)

* Fever

* Bowel obstruction

* Blood clotting problems

3.Pericardial Mesothelioma:

Pericardial mesothelioma is much less common than malignant mesothelioma of the pleura or peritoneum. In fact there are only about 150 cases ever reported in the medical literature. It affects the section of the mesothelium called the pericardium (the mesothelial lining of the heart). People in the fourth to seventh decades of life are most likely to have this cancer, and there is a 2:1 male to female ratio. Currently, surgical excision (removal) of the pericardium is the treatment for pericardial mesothelioma, primarily to lessen symptoms of constriction around the heart.

Symptoms that are associated with pericardial mesothelioma include:

* Chest pain

* Fluid buildup around the heart

* A mass in the space between the lungs

* Abnormal or difficult breathing (dyspnea)

* Chronic coughing

* Irregular heartbeat (palpitations)

Epithelial mesothelioma:

Epithelial mesothelioma is the most common form of malignant mesothelioma that develops as a result of asbestos exposure. Epithelial malignant mesothelioma is a type of cancer that effects the epithelial or tissue membranes that line the organs. Fifty to seventy percent of malignant mesothelioma is considered epithelial malignant mesothelioma. Epithelial malignant mesothelioma victims often have a better prognosis (chance at increased survival time) than do victims of other Metastatic mesothelioma types.

The second most common mesothelioma accounts for seven to twenty percent of cancer cases. Sarcomatoid malignant mesothelioma involves malignant tumors that develop from affected connective tissues. The third type which occurs twenty to thirty percent of the time is a combination of sarcomatoid and epithelial malignant mesothelioma. Treatment options in each of these cases are about the same.

Epithelial malignant mesothelioma can affect different areas of the body. Mesothelioma is cancer to any of the tissues that surround internal organs. Sixty percent of epithelial malignant mesothelioma occurs in the pleural tissues of the lungs. This develops almost exclusively as a result of asbestos inhalation. The symptoms of epithelial malignant mesothelioma that affect the lungs include:

* Shortness of breath

* Persistent cough

* Pain in the chest

* Viral pneumonia symptoms

Many mesothelioma patient are asymptomatic. The right lung is affected sixty percent of the time, the left lung thirty five percent, and both lungs are affected in five percent of epithelial malignant mesothelioma cases.

Epithelial malignant mesothelioma is also common in the peritoneum of the abdomen. This is caused by the ingestion of asbestos that enters the air. Patients with this type of mesothelioma may also remain asymptomatic for years and years, though the following symptoms may be present: weight loss, nausea, effusion (fluid build-up) in the stomach, bowel difficulties, foot swelling and anemia. Malignant mesothelioma can also affect the reproductive organs, the heart, and other major organs.

A person who has been exposed to asbestos for one or two months has the potential to develop epithelial malignant mesothelioma or other asbestos related illnesses up to fifty years later. Mesothelioma has a long latency period. Once diagnosed the prognosis is often bleak. The average patient has a year left to live after they discover their condition.

Asbestos lung mesothelioma:

Lung Mesothelioma is the leading cause of death in asbestos-related injuries and illnesses. Asbestos is a highly toxic group of fibrous minerals that was widely used in the production of buildings, homes, schools, automobile brakes and clutch parts, ceiling and floor tiles, cement, and thousands of other products around the world.

If asbestos fibers are compromised by renovation, remodeling, deterioration, or disturbance, the fibers may break loose and become airborne. Once these fibers are inhaled or ingested, they may become trapped in the lungs or the digestive tract permanently, causing serious illness or disease such as Mesothelioma asbestos lung cancer.

Lung mesothelioma cancers risk factors:

While smoking is the highest risk factor for Mesothelioma asbestos lung cancer, frequent workplace or non-occupational exposure to high levels of asbestos is another leading cause of the disease. Tradesmen in the steel, plumbing, electrical, auto, milling, mining, and insulation industries, among others, are at the highest risk of developing lung cancer caused by asbestos exposure. Studies have found that workers who are regularly exposed to asbestos increase their risk of lung cancer by seven to ten times than those in the general population. In addition, asbestos workers who also smoke cigarettes are 50 to 100 times more likely to die from lung cancer.

Symptoms of Mesothelioma asbestos lung cancer:

Lung mesothelioma cancers is difficult to diagnose early, spreads at a rapid rate, and is rarely cured. Lung cancer caused by asbestos exposure typically occurs at a younger age than other lung cancers and is most likely found in the lower lobes. Some common symptoms of lung cancer include, but are not limited to:

* Change in breathing patterns

* Shortness of breath

* Persistent chest pains

* Coughing

* Hoarseness

* Anemia.

Abdominal Mesothelioma:

Abdominal mesothelioma, also known as peritoneal mesothelioma, is one form of a rare asbestos-linked cancer, mesothelioma. The abdominal mesothelioma, as the name suggests, is a cancer of the tissues in the abdominal cavity. Abdominal mesothelioma generally affects men ages 50-70, although women make up about one-fifth of all abdominal mesothelioma cases.

Symptoms of Abdominal Mesothelioma:

Symptoms of abdominal mesothelioma include:

* Abdominal pains

* Abdominal weakness

* Weight loss

* Loss of appetite

* Nausea

* Abdominal swelling

Mesothelioma patient exhibiting these symptoms are usually scheduled for further examinations to search for other abdominal mesothelioma signs. If an X-ray or CT scan indicates signs that the patient indeed may have abdominal mesothelioma, a biopsy is conducted, allowing the physician to determine the malignancy level. Any abdominal mesothelioma treatment will be determined by the physician and patient, taking into account factors such as:

* the stage of the abdominal mesothelioma

* the location and sizes of any tumors

* the age and health of the patient

Abdominal mesothelioma has a very high mortality rate, and in many cases, diagnosis occurs when the abdominal mesothelioma has already progressed too far. In such cases, all actions focus on making the abdominal mesothelioma as comfortable as possible, often removing portions of the tumor to relieve pressure.

Benign Multicystic Mesothelioma:

Benign multicystic mesothelioma is a rare form of mesothelioma that is not considered cancerous. Benign multicystic mesothelioma affects the peritoneum of the abdomen. The peritoneum is the protective tissue that surrounds the organs in the abdominal cavity and helps facilitate smooth movement between the liver, spleen, bowel, and other organs. It may be difficult to diagnose benign multicystic mesothelioma because it may be asymptomatic, however pain in the stomach, weight loss, nausea, and difficulty with bowel movements may indicate peritoneal mesothelioma.

Benign multicystic mesothelioma may also affect the lining of the lungs known as the pleura. This nonmalignant type of mesothelioma usually involves many localized benign (non-cancerous) tumors on the lining of the lungs. If the tumors grow too large, they may compress the lungs causing difficulty with breathing and shortness of breath. Symptoms of benign multicystic mesothelioma may not be easily discernable, but may include chronic cough or chest pain. In more serious cases, complications may involve fluid escaping into the pleural membranes surrounding the lungs.

A physical examination can help diagnose benign multicystic mesothelioma. Chest x-rays, CT scans of the chest or stomach area, and lung or abdomen biopsies may help determine whether or not an individual has benign multicystic mesothelioma. Once diagnosed, the prognosis for benign multicystic mesothelioma is remarkably better than any other type of mesothelioma. The expected outcome for people with benign multicystic mesothelioma is good with prompt treatment whereas patients with malignant mesothelioma have an average of one year left to live following diagnosis.

Treatment for benign multicystic mesothelioma might include surgery, though it may not be possible to remove all the tumors. Treatment also depends on the severity of a given patient's benign multicystic mesothelioma and the immediacy of treatment.

All forms of mesothelioma develop almost exclusively as a consequence of asbestos exposure. Mesothelioma has a strikingly long latency period and the time between exposure and diagnoses can be as long as fifty years. Asbestos is a chemical found in over 5000 products all over the world. People who have been exposed to asbestos in the workplace in the last seventy years may still develop Metastatic mesothelioma . Factory, railroad, automobile, construction, building and shipyard industry employees may all be at risk for developing some form of mesothelioma, including benign multicystic mesothelioma.

If you have been exposed to asbestos and experience any of the aforementioned symptoms of benign multicystic mesothelioma, you may want to seek medical attention to find out if you have mesothelioma. If you have benign multicystic mesothelioma you may be eligible to recover what you have lost as a result.

Asbestos Cancer:

Asbestos cancers are the result of high exposure to the fibers of the mineral asbestos, which an individual may inhale without even being aware of doing. Asbestos is a mineral that was used in thousands of products that surround us bricks, insulation, plumbing, furnaces, floors, walls, and ceilings. Although many uses of asbestos have been banned, the number of asbestos cancers diagnosed in the U.S. continues to rise.

Asbestos Cancers May Take Decades to Develop:

Asbestos cancers can develop relatively soon after exposure to asbestos, or they may take decades to manifest themselves. This is because when the microscopic fibers of asbestos are inhaled, they become lodged in the lungs and/or other internal organs, initiating a cancer process that may take months, years, or decades to develop. Every individual asbestos cancer case is unique.

There are a number of different asbestos cancers:

* Small cell lung cancer

* Non-small cell lung

* Mesothelioma

In addition, a link between asbestos and some cases of colorectal and gastrointestinal cancers has been suggested by several clinical studies. Asbestos exposure has also been linked to an elevated risk for gallbladder, throat, kidney and esophageal cancers. Together, these asbestos cancers have affected hundreds of thousands of Americans and their families.

Who Is At Risk for Asbestos Cancers?

Millions of people in the U.S. received significant asbestos exposure in the years since the early 1940s, often on their jobs or because their spouses worked in an asbestos-laden environment. Thousands of members of the military, for example, worked with asbestos products as part of the shipbuilding process, or because they built structures that had asbestos-containing materials. Asbestos cancers are especially common in the following professions, although there are many other lines of work in which asbestos can be present:

* Submarine personnel

* Asbestos removal workers

* Shipyard workers

* Demolition workers

* Drywall installers and removers

* Firefighters

* Automobile industry workers

* Automobile mechanics

Chrysotile Peritoneal Mesothelioma:

Chrysotile peritoneal mesothelioma is an asbestos-related cancer that attacks the lining of the abdominal cavity. Chrysotile causes peritoneal mesothelioma when the small fibers are inhaled or swallowed and become lodged in the tissue. Chrysotile linked peritoneal mesothelioma has a long latency period, often diagnosed more than 40 years after exposure.

Victims of chrysotile peritoneal mesothelioma suffer from pain in the abdomen, caused by pressure on internal organs. Symptoms of chrysotile peritoneal mesothelioma also include nausea, vomiting, bowel blockage, and swelling of the abdomen. When a diagnosis of chrysotile peritoneal mesothelioma has been made, the patient is often already in very advanced stages of the disease, and most chrysotile peritoneal mesothelioma victims live less than a year after onset of the symptoms. Because the disease involves high concentrations of asbestos, chrysotile peritoneal mesothelioma usually occurs in persons who were exposed to chrysotile through their occupation. Many of the individuals diagnosed with chrysotile peritoneal mesothelioma worked on shipyards or in other areas where asbestos was used for fireproofing or insulation. Individuals may also contract chrysotile peritoneal mesothelioma through prolonged exposure to asbestos in their homes, schools, or places of employment.

If you or a loved one is suffering from chrysotile peritoneal mesothelioma, you may be entitled to financial reparations. Victims of chrysotile peritoneal mesothelioma who were exposed to chrysotile asbestos through their occupation or environment may be able to recover funds for medical care, lost wages, and damages. An attorney familiar with chrysotile peritoneal mesothelioma may be able to help you understand your rights.

Cystic Mesothelioma:

Cystic mesothelioma is a type of peritoneal mesothelioma that affects mainly young females. When cystic mesothelioma occurs, cysts are lined with a layer of benign mesothelial cells. Since cystic mesothelioma is a benign form of mesothelioma, normal life expectancy occurs. In some instances, though, cystic mesothelioma will require some treatment depending on the pain or symptoms experienced.

Cystic mesothelioma is rare and tough to diagnose due to the complicated procedures that must be performed prior to confirming if cystic mesothelioma is present. Electron microscopy and immunohistochemical studies must first occur before cystic mesothelioma is found. Partial excision or decompression can be used to relieve any pain or symptomatic problems associated to cystic mesothelioma.

Malignant Mesothelioma:

Malignant mesothelioma is a cancer that affects the lining of the lung, chest cavity, or abdominal cavity. If a tumor formed in the mesothelium special cells that protect the organs are cancerous, the disease is called malignant mesothelioma. Malignant mesothelioma is almost always caused by workplace or non-occupational exposure to asbestos.

Who is at risk for malignant mesothelioma?

The most common cause of malignant mesothelioma is asbestos exposure. Workers in the steel, mining, plumbing, milling, insulation, and electric industries, among hundreds of others who handle or manufacture asbestos products, are at the highest risk of developing malignant mesothelioma.

While the risks of the disease increase depending on the frequency and intensity of asbestos exposure, there have been a number of malignant mesothelioma cases among people who have had only one or two months of exposure.

Asbestos fibers are sharp and easily cling to various surfaces such as hair, skin, clothes, and shoes of workers who may track the toxic fibers into their homes subjecting innocent family members to serious illnesses and disease. Family members of those who are regularly exposed to high levels of asbestos also have a high risk of developing malignant mesothelioma.

Types of malignant mesothelioma

There are two primary types of malignant mesothelioma:

1. Pleural mesothelioma, the most common form of the cancer, grows in the lining covering the lungs.

2. Peritoneal mesothelioma affects the tissue lining the abdominal cavity.

Mesothelioma is also broken down into cell types, which depend on what the cells look like under a microscope. The cell types include epithelial (50 to 70 percent are diagnosed with this type), sarcomatoid (seven to 20 percent have this type), or mixed (20 to 35 percent have both epithelial and sarcomatoid cells).

Symptoms of malignant mesothelioma

Malignant mesothelioma has an extremely long latency period that can take anywhere between 20 to 50 years from the initial exposure to the diagnosis of the disease. Some common symptoms of malignant mesothelioma include:

* chest pains

* cough

* shortness of breath

* severe weight loss

If the disease is discovered early, surgery may be able to remove most of the cancerous tissue. However, malignant mesothelioma spreads rapidly and can affect other organs. During advanced stages of the cancer, chemotherapy treatment and radiation can help to minimize symptoms. Complete recovery may not be possible. People who are having mesothelioma are advidsed to seek mesothelioma center.

Mesothelioma treatment options:

Mesothelioma treatments depends on many factors, including: the stage of the cancer, where the cancer is, how far the cancer has spread, how the cancer cells look under the microscope and the patient’s age and desires.


People diagnosed with this disease are often told the expected survival rate is only eight to twelve months. However, specialists in (mesothelioma treatments ) treating malignant mesothelioma at the leading cancer centers often have better statistics.


Surgery is commonly used in the treatment of malignant mesothelioma. The doctor may remove part of the lining of the chest or abdomen and some of the tissue around it. Sometimes part of the diaphragm, the muscle below the lungs that helps with breathing, is also removed. Depending on how far the cancer has spread, a lung also may be removed (pneumonectomy).

2.Radiation therapy:

High-energy x-rays, gamma rays, neutrons, and other sources of radiation are used to kill cancer cells and shrink tumors. Radiation coming from a machine outside the body is referred to as external radiation therapy or external-beam radiation therapy. Radiation may also come from materials that produce radiation called radioisotopes. Radioisotopes can be inserted in or near the cancerous cells or tumors; this type of radiation therapy is called internal radiation therapy, implant radiation, interstitial radiation, or brachytherapy. Systemic radiation therapy, also referred to as radiotherapy, irradiation, and x-ray therapy, uses a radioactive substance, such as a radiolabeled monoclonal antibody, that circulates throughout the body.


This is also a mode of mesothelioma treatments. Using drugs to kill cancer cells. Chemotherapy may be taken by pill, or it may be put into the body by a needle in the vein or muscle. Chemotherapy is called a systemic treatment because the drug enters the bloodstream, travels through the body, and can kill cancer cells throughout the body. In mesothelioma, chemotherapy may be put directly into the chest (intrapleural chemotherapy).

4.Intraoperative photodynamic therapy:

A new type of treatment that uses special drugs and light to kill cancer cells during surgery. A drug that makes cancer cells more sensitive to light is injected into a vein several days before surgery. During surgery to remove as much of the cancer as possible, a special light is used to shine on the pleura. This treatment is being studied for early stages of mesothelioma in the chest.

5.Gene therapy:

This approach is designed to treat mesothelioma by correcting the genes that allow a cancerous tumor to grow, potentially controlling tumor size and spread. Like immunotherapy, gene therapy clinical trials are currently underway.

Mesothelioma Lawyer:

Every year, thousands of individuals are diagnosed with malignant mesothelioma - a rare form of cancer that affects the lining of the heart, lungs, and abdominal cavity and is primarily attributable to asbestos exposure . Asbestos is a fibrous mineral that was commonly used prior to the 1970s in building materials and a number of consumer products. Health and government officials now deem asbestos a carcinogen and strictly regulate its use.

Unfortunately, symptoms of mesothelioma often take decades to appear. And the prognosis for individuals with mesothelioma tends to be poor since the cancer has already progressed to advanced stages by the time they are diagnosed.

People who have developed mesothelioma as a result of asbestos-exposure may be eligible to seek compensation for their losses through a mesothelioma lawsuit . If you or a loved one suffers from mesothelioma because of asbestos exposure, a qualified mesothelioma lawyer can help you understand and maximize your legal rights.

Why Contact A Mesothelioma Lawyer?

A qualified mesothelioma lawyer can evaluate your claim and provide you with competent legal counsel. He can make a mesothelioma litigation. You may be entitled to seek financial assistance to compensate your damages, in which case a mesothelioma lawyer can litigate your case.

Over the years, mesothelioma lawyers have helped their clients recover millions of dollars in compensation for losses suffered, by mesothelioma litigation. With the help of a mesothelioma lawyer, you may be able to recover both economic and non-economic damages including: lost wages and earning capacity, medical expenses, pain and suffering, and more.

If you or someone you love has developed mesothelioma as a result of asbestos-exposure, you do not have to suffer in vain. Our mesothelioma attorneys have a wealth of experience litigating asbestos-related cases and can help you bring responsible parties to justice. Also, our mesothelioma lawyers work on a "contingency fee" basis, which means that they work for free unless your case is successfully resolved.

Mesothelioma Attorney:

The mission of a mesothelioma attorney is to help obtain compensation for individuals with this life-threatening cancer. The vast majority of cases of mesothelioma are due to exposure to the carcinogenic mineral asbestos, which was used in thousands of products dating from the 1880s through 1989. Every mesothelioma attorney knows of the devastation that this cancer wreaks on patients and their families.

Asbestos Exposure Is the Culprit:

It’s estimated that since the early 1940s, at least three million Americans received high-level exposure to asbestos, often at their workplaces. Others have been exposed to asbestos at home, whether by washing asbestos dust-laden clothing or from the many building materials that contain asbestos. Still others grew up attending schools where asbestos was used in walls, ceilings, flooring, even bricks.

The asbestos industry was aware for over 60 years that their product caused mesothelioma, lung cancer, and asbestosis, but the management of the asbestos companies routinely kept that information from their employees, choosing to maximize company profits and savings at the expense of the employees.

Compensation from Defendant Companies:

The medical bills alone for mesothelioma often run into the hundreds of thousands of dollars. Years of lost income or reduced earning capacity further add to the losses. When a loved one with mesothelioma passes away, the loss of support and companionship and the emotional pain and suffering can all be overwhelming. A mesothelioma attorney understands these losses, having helped other victims and their families obtain compensation for their damages.

In fact, mesothelioma attorneys have helped asbestos victims across the country receive millions of dollars worth of compensation for:

* Medical treatments including surgery and chemotherapy

* Hospice and/or palliative care

* Funeral/burial expenses

* Pain and suffering

* Loss of companionship

* More

If you are one of the thousands of patients who have not received fair compensation for your losses, a mesothelioma attorney can help you.

Contact an Experienced Mesothelioma Attorney:

Attorneys who represent mesothelioma patients are prepared to discuss your circumstances with you and advise you of your legal rights. Whether you simply have questions or need full legal representation, the first step is to contact a mesothelioma attorney today for a complimentary consultation.

Mesothelioma Lawsuit:

A mesothelioma lawsuit is filed by a victim of mesothelioma in order to recover damages associated with their development of this asbestos related cancer. A mesothelioma case can help a victim seek reparations for medical expenses, lost income and pain and suffering. Mesothelioma develops almost exclusively as a result of toxic exposure to asbestos. This disease can remain latent in a victim for up to forty years; therefore people who were exposed to asbestos in the environment in the 1950s may still be at risk for developing this disease.

Who Is At Risk?

Asbestos has been used to make more than 5000 products in the last few hundred years. Asbestos is a naturally occurring group of minerals that is used to make products such as vehicle brakes and building materials. Asbestos is added to these products because it aids in heat and corrosion resistance. The deadly effects of asbestos have been known for over sixty years, though it continues to be used in a variety of industries. People in the construction, automotive, factory, railroad, shipyard, and custodial industries may all be at risk for the serious health consequences resulting from toxic exposure to asbestos.

What Is Mesothelioma?

Mesothelioma is a rare but fatal cancer that is caused by this harmful exposure to asbestos. Mesothelioma affects the mesothelium that surrounds and protects the internal organs of the body and can affect any organ in the body including the brain, heart and reproductive organs. Pleural mesothelioma is the most common and affects the lining surrounding the lungs. This lining can become cancerous when asbestos is inhaled at toxic levels. Many times the disease is asymptomatic, though symptoms may include a persistent cough, pain in the chest area or shortness of breath.

Mesothelioma also affects the peritoneal lining of the organs in the abdominal cavity. This type of mesothelioma can also remain latent and asymptomatic for several years. If symptoms do develop they might include pain and swelling of the belly, nausea, bowel problems, weight loss, swollen feet, and anemia.

More Common in Men

Mesothelioma affects men three to five times more often than it affects women. It is diagnosed in patients at an average age of 50 to 70 years. Once diagnosed, mesothelioma is fatal. The average survival time after diagnosis is only one year, because the cancer is usually in its advanced stages by the time it is discovered. For people who are diagnosed earlier, about one half survive for two years and twenty percent make it to five years.

Why File a Mesothelioma Lawsuit?

A mesothelioma lawsuit can be filed in the legal system in order to seek reparations for medical expenses, loss of income and pain and suffering associated with the development of this disease. Employers and manufactures of asbestos containing products can be held liable for the injuries that develop as a result, especially when they were aware of the risks associated with the level of exposure they caused or permitted. Contacting a qualified lawyer is often the first step in discovering what your legal rights and options might be in a mesothelioma lawsuit. For more information on a mesothelioma lawsuit, please Contact a Mesothelioma Attorney who is familiar with other mesothelioma cases.

Mesothelioma claim:

Experienced mesothelioma lawyers are readily available to help you claim compensation for treatment of mesothelioma. First thing to do when you know that you or some one you know has been diagnosed with mesothelioma malignancy, should contact an experienced mesothelioma lawyer who has excellent track record in successful settlement of mesothelioma cases and got the compensation for people affected with the mesothelioma. The U.S. Senate is likely to consider a bill to guard mesothelioma trade companies from mesothelioma compensation cases brought by patients harmed by mesothelioma asbestos, records shows that over 10,000 Americans die each year from exposure to asbestos related materials, and the number of people who die due to the mesothelioma cancer will increase drastically in the next decade. Before you can file a case for mesothelioma compensation, make sure the mesothelioma lawyer know the asbestos mesothelioma trade companies to sue. Therefore, it is crucial to work with experienced mesothelioma attorneys.

Making a mesothelioma claim:

Mesothelioma compensation can be claimed absolutely risk free at no cost.

1. Contact experienced mesothelioma lawyers who can guide and advice if you are eligible to claim for mesothelioma compensation.

2. Check the credentials of the lawyer, past mesothelioma compensation cases, fees, and success rate

3. Hand over all the evidence to support your mesothelioma claim, and check if mesothelioma lawyer can arrange for an independent medical expert for further verification.

4. Make sure you get the full mesothelioma compensation, all legal fees for mesothelioma lawyers can be recovered from the insurance company.

5. It should be noted that the mission of a mesothelioma lawyer is helping mesothelioma patients get the proper treatment and mesothelioma compensation they need.

Mesothelioma compensation - Legal fees:

Most specialized mesothelioma lawyers work on a case win basis, which means they won't get paid unless the mesothelioma case is settled in their client's favor, and client has got the reasonable mesothelioma compensation. The commission rate for successfully claiming mesothelioma compensation could be from 30% to 40% of the gross settlement. Please also note that you would not be charged under any circumstances, in case your lawyer loses the case.

Mesothelioma Claim - Nationwide Lawyer Directory

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treatment of mesothelioma.

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